Friday 21 June 2013

Day-To-Night Makeup Tips

The main theme of a day-to-night make is you apply something which look good in your day time and then it look stunning and glamorous during the night too and for that you can actually try so many things and you can keep practice things and one day you will get a perfect look for such kind of occasions too, and till then you can use some simple tips that we are sharing with you guys and I bet you will love them and you will really enjoy the double effect of such kind of looks.

 Your nighttime look should be an amped-up version of your daytime makeup, so for that you can do one thing, if you are using a simple soft look make up in your day time and you are using light and natural shades then you just need to put some extra shades and then add some glitter and some shimmery face powder once the sun is down and just add a bit sharper touch on your lips and add a tight line liner and one coat of mascara and you will look absolutely stunning.

 Another good trick is add some simple shades that look simple and subtle in day light like light bronze and pink, but when you reapply the same shade over the previous coat then it will look classy and beautiful.

 If you have oily skin and after all of that time if you start noticing some oily shades or your face is getting shinier, then the worst thing that you do would be applying face powder over it cause that will make you look like an theater actress and someone who just stepped out from opera and that would be the last thing you want, so keep a simple blotting papers in your bag and tab remove all oil from your face, don’t rub it just tab it over your face and then apply some simple face powder to get a fresh look.

 If something got messed up then try to re-fix it, wipe it off completely and then redo the look, it might take 10-20 minutes, but it will give you a look of celebrity and touch up your foundation and concealer if it’s needed and use smooth face powder, the only thing that you do not want to try is liner if you are not an expert.

Never reapply your lipstick if you see your lips are getting dry and broke, you need to apply some moisturizer on your lips and then scrub it off and reapply your lipstick for best look.
Best of luck girls.

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