Saturday 22 June 2013

Five Ways to Add Charm To Your Beauty

1. Remove dead skin
Surely when you take different treatments such like self-tanning, moisturizing and waxing, it makes your skin soft and supple. The foundation also helps to improve, but to make the treatment more effective you have to remove out the dead skin from your body.
You should have to know that the dead skin forms a thin layer that makes it unable to absorb any oil, lotion or cream applied from outside, so It is necessary to remove the dead skin and dry patches. It makes your skin appear fresh and shiny like babies. Try it twice a week.

2. Smooth cellulite
Cellulite is the cells close to the skin’s surface and it is not easy to remove them from your body. A tropical treatment like massage with circulation stimulator such as caffeine or seaweed will do well. Keep in mind that massage should be in circular motion. Give a must treatment to your thighs back, your abs and butt. A few minutes of massage will make the skin firm and tight.

3. Get hair-free
The unwanted hair always look odd and you want to get rid off them. There are so many ways to remove them from your skin, but the most effective is waxing. Surely it hurts, but it removes the unwanted hair from the deep roots. One thing more that it keep the skin smooth and supple for at least 3 weeks.
Waxing is easy and you may do it in your home. Stand in front of the mirror and hold the area firmly, and then apply a thin layer of wax. Put a tissue paper tautly over wax and from the free hand, pull off the hair rapidly in opposite direction of hair growth. After finishing the work, you will face irritation. Take a cotton pad, absorb some white vinegar antiseptic and water in equal parts and clean the area.

4. Add beauty and shinning
After taking light makeup, if still you are looking dull and unimpressive, then make those areas shinning by taking a shimmering lotion and apply it by a soft brush. It will be better to brush the cheek bones, collarbones, near the breasts and over your legs. This process will give a reflection to your skin and will enhance the charming.

5.Take care of your lips
After giving a special care to your eyes and making them smoky, come to the lips. Take a lipstick of pink or beige color and apply it for polished look. The other way is to use the lip balm with a little bit of talc. This adaptation will make your lips soften and moisturize and will protect them against the hard season. Liquid eyeliner and mascara is also necessary to add more sophistication.

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